Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to Perform Qurbani

It is Mustahab (preferable) that the person to whom the Qurbani animal belongs slaughters it personally, provided he is able to slaughter (make Zabah) properly.
If the owner is unable to slaughter, it is better to delegate the Zabah to another Muslim who is acquainted with the requirements of proper Islaamic Zabah.

The animal that is going to be sacrificed should be fed and given water. The knife that is going to be used should be sharpened beforehand, but not in front of the animal. The animal should be laid on it's left side with it's face pointing towards the Qibla and the person slaughtering the animal should put their right foot on the animal and quickly slaughter the animal using a sharp knife. Before slaughtering the animal, this Dua should be prayed;
"Inni Wajjahto Waj'hiya Lillazi Fataras Samaawaat'e Wal'arda Hanifaw Wamaa Anaa Minal Mushrikeena, inna Salaati Wa Nusooki Wa Mah'Yaaya Wa Ma'maati Lillahi Rabbil Aalameen. Laa Shareeka Lahu Wa Bizaalika Umirtu Wa Anaa Minal Muslimeena Allahumma Laka Waminka Bismillahi Allahu Akbar"
As soon as you finish praying the Dua, start cutting with the knife and say Bismillahi Allahu Akbar . If the Qurbani is from yourself then after slaughtering pray this Dua;
"Allahumma Taqabbal Minni Kamaa Taqabbalta Min Khaleelika Ibraheema Alaihis Salaam Wa Habeebika Muhammadin Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam"
When slaughtering cut all four veins (in the throat) or at least three veins and so that the knife reaches the back of the throat and it should not be cut more than that as it would cause unnecessary pain for the animal. As soon as the animal goes cold then cut the feet and take off the skin. If you have slaughtered the animal on behalf of someone then at the point where you pray "Minni" pray "Min Falaa" (meaning their name). If the animal is bought jointly and there are more than one person involved in the partnership of the animal such as a cow, camel, buffalo etc. then all their names should be said in place of 'Falaa'.
Those who are ignorant about the proper Islamic method that is carried out in the slaughtering of animals do not
hesitate in criticising Muslims and in regarding this Islamic method of slaughter as primitive, barbaric and a cruelty to animals.
The aim of presenting this article is to inform the public that the Islamic method of slaughtering an animal is most humane, painless and better than the current methods of mechanical and electrical stunning of animals that are normally done in abattoirs.( which is totally haram )
In order for large meat industries and commercial establishments to provide a much higher production, they all favour the method of mechanical and electrical stunning. They regard all other methods of slaughter as cruel and even manage to get the support of Animal Rights groups to oppose the Islamic method of slaughter. In the Islamic method of slaughtering an animal, the animal is slaughtered by a sharp object which is capable of making it bleed by severing blood vessels. The slaughtering is to be done by cutting the throat of the animal or by piercing the hollow of the throat, causing its death. The best way is to cut the windpipe, the gullet, and the two jugular veins. The wisdom of the Islamic rules of slaughtering is to take the animal's life in the quickest and least painful way; the requirements of using a sharp instrument and of cutting the throat relate to this end. No additional stunner is necessary. This method also allows for the most rapid and efficient bleeding of the animal. When the sharp knife enters the tissues of the neck, its cuts open four big blood vessels in the region. So much blood is lost so quickly that the animal becomes unconscious and feels no pain.
When the animal convulses, one gets the impression that it is undergoing pain and suffering. However, this is not the case. In the Islamic manner of slaughtering, the spinal cord is not severed since the nervous connection between the brain and the body is maintained so that all the blood is squeezed out of the body. When convulsion takes place, the wringing actions of the muscles of the body on the blood vessels help to get rid of the maximum amount of blood from the meat tissue. In fact, the occurrence of convulsions confirms that the animal is unconscious. Thus, the animal also does not experience any pain. In view of the above considerations, attempts to discredit the Islamic method of slaughter are ill-conceived. Based on scientific evidence, it should not be too difficult for individuals and groups to give up their attempts to interfere with religious beliefs and religious laws in general. The Islamic method of slaughter has stood the test of time and of scientific enquiry and remains by far the best, the most efficient and the safest.

Sacrificing Animals | In Light of Sacred Traditions of the Beloved SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

All Praises is due to Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, Peace and Blessings be upon the most perfect of creations, His Beloved Habeeb, Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam his noble Family and the illustrious Sahaba Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een and all the pious servants of Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
I. Hadrat Zaid ibn Arqam Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the companions of the Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam asked:

يا رسول الله ما هذه الأضاحى قال: سنة أبيكم إبراهيم. قالوا فما لنا فيها يا رسول الله قال: بكل شعرة حسنة. قالوا فالصوف يا رسول الله قال: بكل شعرة من الصوف حسنة
“O Messenger of Allah! What is this sacrifice?” He said, “It is the practice of your father Abraham.” They asked, “What is the reward for us in it?” He said, “For every hair, you will be rewarded.” They asked, “for the wool, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “For every strand of wool you will be rewarded.” [Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 1, Page 226, Hadith 3247]

II. Hadrat ‘Ayesha Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha reported that the Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam has said,

ما عمل آدمى من عمل يوم النحر أحب إلى الله من إهراق الدم إنها لتأتى يوم القيامة بقرونها وأشعارها وأظلافها وإن الدم ليقع من الله بمكان قبل أن يقع من الأرض فطيبوا بها نفسا
“On the day of sacrifice no one does a deed more pleasing to Allah than the shedding of blood. The sacrifice will come on the Day of Resurrection with its horns, its hairs and its hooves; and the blood finds acceptance with Allah before it falls on the ground.” [Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 1, Page 275, Hadith 1572]

III. Hadrat Hanash Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported:

رأيت عليا رضي الله عنه يضحي بكبشين فقلت له : ما هذا ؟ فقال : إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أوصاني أن أضحي عنه فأنا أضحي عنه
I saw Hadrat ‘Ali sacrificing two rams. I asked him: “what is this?” He said, “The Messenger of Allah had enjoined me to sacrifice on his behalf; so I am sacrificing on his behalf.” [Mishkat, Page 128, Hadith 1642]

IV. Hadrat Abu Hurairah
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam has said,

من وجد سعة فلم يضح فلا يقربن مصلانا
“Such a person who had the ability and means to sacrifice an animal, but (despite this) he did not do so; should never come near our Eidgah (place where the Eid prayers are performed).” [Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 18, Page 27, Hadith 8496]

V. Hadrat Umm-e-Salmah
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha reported that the Messenger of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam has said,

إذا رأيتم هلال ذى الحجة وأراد أحدكم أن يضحى فليمسك عن شعره وأظفاره
“when you see the new moon of Dhul Hijjah and one of you intends to make sacrifice, he must not shave his hair, trim it, or clip his nails.” [Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, Page 160, Hadith 5234]


1. For the condition of sacrificing, the Malik-e-Nisab is the person who possesses 52 ½ tolas (620 grammes) of silver or 7 ½ tolas (88 grammes) of gold; or they have the same amount equivalent to either of the above item in value in business goods or non-business goods, which are not goods that are the basic necessities of life. The wealth and/or property should be ‘extra’/above one’s basic necessities (hajat-e-asliyyah).

2. Nowadays, the price of silver is less. The price of silver in current-day value is approximately £2 per tola. Therefore, anyone who possess the value of: £2 x 52 ½ tola = £105 - which exceeds his/her basic necessities and also the debt which is to be paid back – then it is wajib on such a person to sacrifice an animal.

3. Such a Malik-e-Nisab who has already sacrificed an animal on behalf of himself, and the following year he is still a Malik-e-Nisab then again it is wajib upon him to sacrifice an animal on his behalf. This ruling applies for each year (that sacrificing is wajib if a person is a Malik-e-Nisab). It has been stated in a Hadith: “It is wajib upon every household to sdacrifice an animal each year.”

4. If a Malik-e-Nisab sacrifices on behalf of someone else, instead of sacrificing an animal on behalf of himself (i.e. does not sacrifice an animal on his behalf), then he has committed a great sin. Thus, if he wants to sacrifice on someone else’s behalf, then he should make preparations to buy another animal and sacrifice it.

5. Some people who think that, “It is wajib only once in a lifetime to sacrifice an animal on one’s behalf” is farce and wrong, which has no proof; as it is wajib upon a Malik-e-Nisab to sacrifice an animal on his behalf each year.

6. In villages, it is permissible to sacrifice animals on the 10th of Dhu’l Hijjah after the break of dawn (Subh-e-Sadiq). However, it is Mustahab to sacrifice it after sunrise. [Fatawa-e-‘Alamgiri Vol. 5 Page 260]

7. It is not permissible to sacrifice animals before the Eid prayer in cities and towns. [Bahar-e-Shari’at]

8. Such a poor person - who cannot afford to sacrifice an animal - should also refrain from shaving or trimming hair and clipping nails; so as to resemble the pilgrims on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah.

9. It is permissible for a resident of a city or a town to send his animal to a person living in a village; and have it sacrificed before the Eid prayer; and then have the meat sent back to him in the city or town. [al-Durr al-Mukhtar]

10. It is not permissible to give the skin or the meat of the sacrificed animal as the wage to the butcher or the one who has sacrificed the animal. [al-Durr al-Mukhtar]

11. It is not permissible to give the meat of a sacrificed animal to any infidel.

12. The method of sacrificing an animal is to lay it on its left, such that its face is towards the Qiblah and then place the right foot on its side and holding a sharp knife (concealed obviously from the animal or if it is blind-folded then there is no harm). The animal should be sacrificed using a sharp knife.

13. If the Qurban has been performed on behalf of someone who has passed away, then the meat cannot be eaten by the person himself nor can it be given to a rich person. It is wajib to give all the meat to the poor as sadaqah. [Bahar-e-Shari’at]

14. The animal’s skin, reins, saddle etc should all be given in sadaqah, one can use the skin for their own usage, such as to make the skin into a leather bag or a prayer mat. However, one cannot sell the skin to someone else, and then use the money for their own benefit. If this has been done, then the money received should be given as sadaqah.

15. Nowadays, people give the animal skin to Madrissahs and other Islamic institutions. This is perfectly permissible. If one sells the skin with the intention of giving the money received to the Madrissa, then this is also permissible. [‘Alamgiri, Bahar-e-Shari’at]

16. The skin of the sacrificed animal cannot be given to the Imam as his wage. Yes, however, it can be given to him as a gift or for his benefit. [Bahar-e-Shari’at]

17. A camel must be at least five years old; a buffalo should be at least two years old; and a sheep, lamb or a goat should be at least one year old. [al-Durr al-Mukhtar]

18. The animal intended to be slaughtered should be big and health, and should be free from any faults or defects. If there is a minor defect in the animal, then the Qurbani will count, but it is Makruh. If there is a major defect, then the Qurbani will not count. [al-Durr al-Mukhtar, Radd al-Muhtar, Fatawa-e-‘Alamgiri]

Some think that sacrificing one animal will suffice for one whole household; all of whom are Malik-e-Nisab. This is wrong. Each and every person from such a household should sacrifice an animal on their behalf. Yes, however, a household can share seven parts from a ‘large’ animal such as a camel, cow, buffalo etc.

— — —
Extracted From

Anwaar al-Hadith, Chapter 10, Pages 323 to 328
by Hadrat Allama Mufti Jalal al-Din Qadiri al-Amjadi
English Translation: Mawlana Kalim al-Qadiri [Bolton - U.K.]

Monday, October 22, 2012

ADVICE: The Gifts of Hajj are Available to All

The linguistic meaning of Hajj is seeking or intending. Thus the people of Allah are constantly performing Hajj because they are constantly seeking Allah. Just as their whole year is Ramadan, likewise their whole year is Hajj. Just as those performing Hajj respond to the call of Allah by saying “labbayk” they are swift to respond to the call of Allah. They take themselves to account and leave that which is disliked and dubious in all their states and actions. They reject the desires of their lower selves and they are the furthest of people from that which is prohibited. They constantly receive new blessings from their Lord so they constantly renew their ihram. Day and night they make tawaf around the House of their Lord, the One to Whom they turn themselves with absolute sincerity until nothing remains in them which is directed to other than Allah.

The bounty of Allah is available at all times of the day and night. This is why Allah swears by the morning light (duha) and by the night that He has not forsaken His Beloved (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), nor is He displeased with him.
If the Hajj has not been made possible for you, join with those making Hajj and share in their reward: by spending your wealth for the sake of Allah on your relatives, on the needy, by turning to Allah with your whole being. Make numerous your footsteps to good places, especially at the time of Fajr, and you will receive glad tidings from the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace): “Give glad tidings of complete light on the Day of Judgement to those who walk constantly to the mosque in the darkness.”

Those whose light is complete will no doubt be in his company (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) "...on the day when Allah will not humble the Prophet and the believers along with him; their light will be running ahead of them and on their right..." [Al-Tahrim, 66:8]

Ask to be present with them, and thank Allah for allowing our spirits to be with them. So many hearts in the far East or the far West receive the gifts of `Arafat and Mina because of their truthfulness with Allah.
..:: Actions that carry the reward of Hajj ::..

Nothing of course can equal actually performing the Hajj and worshipping Allah in those blessed places. However, since Allah knows that many people long to make Hajj every year but are unable to do so out of His generosity He made the reward for certain actions similar to the reward of a supererogatory Hajj.

1. Remembering Allah from Fajr until Ishraq: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: “Whoever who prays Subh (Fajr) in congregation and then sits in the place where he prayed remembering Allah until the sun rises and then prays two rakats has the reward of a complete Hajj and `Umrah.” He repeated “complete” three times. [Narrated by al-Tirmidhi]

2. Attending a gathering of knowledge: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: “The one who goes out to the mosque wanting only to learn good or teach it has the reward of a complete Hajj.” [Narrated by al-Tabarani]

3. Going to the mosque for the congregational prayer: The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: “Whoever performs ablution in his house and then goes out to perform the obligatory prayer in the mosque has a reward similar to the reward of a Hajj pilgrim. Whoever goes out to perform the mid-morning prayer (Duha) has a reward similar to the reward of the one performing `Umrah.”

4. Reciting dhikr after the five daily prayers: Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that a group of destitute people came to the Prophet, SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention), and said, “O Messenger of Allah, the wealthy people will have higher grades and will have permanent enjoyment in high levels in Paradise. They pray like us and fast as we do, but they have more money by which they perform the Hajj, ‘Umrah, participate in Jihaad and give in charity.” The Prophet, SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention), replied: “Shall I not tell you something upon which if you acted you would catch up with those who have surpassed you? Nobody would surpass you and you would be better than the people amongst whom you live except those who would do the same. Say ‘Subhan Allah’, ‘alHamdu Lillaah’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’ thirty-three times each after every (compulsory) prayer.’" [Sahih al-Bukhari]
5. Reciting Durud upon the beloved Prophet: The Leader of the God wary [Imām al-Muttaqīn] SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam affirmed, “Perform your Fardh (obligatory) Hajj pilgrimage. Undoubtedly, its reward is greater than participating in twenty Gazwah and reciting one Durūd upon me, equals that (in reward).” [Firdaus-bima’ Šaur al-Khitab, Vol. 2, Page 607, Hadīth 2484]

6. Performing I’itikaf for ten days in the month of Ramadan: Imam Bayhaqi has reported on the authority of Hadrat Imam Hussain that the Messenger of Allah has stated, “whosoever performs I’itikaf for ten days in the month of Ramadan, it is as though he has performed two ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) and two Hajj (greater pilgrimage).”

7. Performing the Friday Prayer: Sayyiduna Sa`id bin al-Musayyib said performing the Friday Prayer is “more beloved to me than a supererogatory Hajj.”

8. Performing the Eid Prayer: Ibn Rajab (may Allah have mercy upon him) narrated that the Companion Sayyiduna Mikhnaf ibn Sulaym (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, “The reward for attending ‘Eid Al-Fitr prayer is equal to the reward of performing ‘Umrah and the reward for attending ‘Eid Al-Ad'ha Prayer is equal to that of performing Hajj.”
9. Fulfilling the needs of your brother or sister: Sayyiduna Hasan al-Basri said: “Going to fulfil the need of your brother is better for you than performing Hajj after Hajj.”

10. Being good to your parents: The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) commanded one of the Companions to be good to his mother. If you do so, he said: “You are a Hajj pilgrim, a person performing `Umrah and someone striving for the sake of Allah (mujahid).”

11. Abandoning sins and prohibitions: Some of our righteous predecessors said, “Giving up a misdeed that Allah The Exalted abhors is dearer to me than performing Hajj 500 times.”

12. Performing obligatory actions: The slave can only draw near to Allah by performing supererogatory actions after first having performed that which is obligatory. This includes purifying one’s heart from forbidden attributes and guarding one’s tongue and limbs from committing forbidden actions. All of this is much harder on the lower self than many supererogatory acts of worship.
Finally there is no action more beloved to Allah on the Day of Eid than making a sacrifice. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) told his beloved daughter Sayyida Fatima al-Zahrah that she would be forgiven for her previous wrongdoings with the first drop of blood to be shed from the sacrificed animal. She asked if this reward was specifically for the household of the Prophet and he replied: “For us and for all the Muslims.”

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How Would the Creation Respond? | In honor of the Beloved Prophet of Allah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam

How Would the Creation Respond?
In honor of the Beloved Prophet of Allah

If the creation of Allah were to become aware of the blasphemous and sacrilegious mockery, insulting and dishonouring the Beloved of Allah [Habībullāh], the Chosen-One [Al-Muştafā], the Owner of the Praised Station [al-Maqām al-Mahmūd], Mercy of the Worlds [Rahmat al-‘Ᾱlamīn], the intercessor of the sinners [Shafi`i al-Mudhnibīn] the possessor of the best character [al-Khuluq al-Adhīm], then no doubt the creation would tremble. If Allah gave them the ability to speak to the Muslims then what would be their response?

The Ka’aba would say, “I was honoured to bow down to him when he arrived into this world. I felt delighted when he came into me and honoured me.”

The Mountains would say, “We would be overwhelmed (Mount Uhud) and were moved when the blessed feet were on top of us. [Al-Bukhārī] We were ready to listen to the command of the Beloved. We would have crushed the enemies of our Beloved if he commanded us. But he was sent as a Mercy (Rahmah) and prayed for them.” [Al-Zarqānī]

The Pebbles would say, “We were imprisoned in the hands of the staunch enemy (Abū Jahl) and yet we called out his name (Kalimah), responding to his order.” [Jalāluddīn al-Rūmī]

The Sun would speak out, “O Muslims! I surrendered myself to the order of the Blessed one and I rose again after I had already set.” [Al-Zarqānī and al-Shifā]

The Moon would say, “I would move according to the pointing of my beloved when he was in the cradle. [Imām Baihaqī in his Dalāil] I split my heart into two when the blessed finger pointed towards me.” [Al-Zarqānī]

The Water of the Wells would say, “We were blessed of receiving his saliva. We changed our traits and became sweet only for his sake.” [Al-Zarqānī]

The Fire would speak out, “I cooled down for his beloved companion (‘Ammār Bin Yāsir RadiAllāhu Anhumā) when my beloved told me to do so.” [Shaykh Abdul Haqq al-Dehlavī]

The Camels would say, “We would come to see him. We would prostrate in front of the best of creation, the Mercy of the worlds.” [Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal]

The dried palm tree-trunk (Hannānah) would say, “I was honoured being in his blessed company. I cried like a baby in separation of my Beloved. He embraced me and buried me with his blessed hands.” [Al-Bukhārī and Zarqānī]

The Donkey would say, “I (Yafūr) was privileged of carrying the best of creation on my back. After his veiling away from this world, I could not endure his separation so. I fell into a well and gave my life in his love.”

The Eagle would cry out, “I was blessed holding his blessed Sandals to protect him from the poisonous snake.”

The Deer would say, “I listened to the order of my Beloved by coming back after feeding my children. He then freed me. I was so delightful that I went running to the jungle reading his Kalima.” [Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal]

The Pigeons would say, “We protected him and his companion (Abū Bakr al-Siddīq RadiAllāhu ‘Anhu) by laying eggs and sitting on our nests on the mouth of the cave (Thour).” [Al-Zarqānī]

The Clouds would say, “We shaded the Sun of the universe. We moved with him wherever he went. When he commanded us, we showered rain on his blessed city.”

The Burāq would say, “How fortunate I was! I carried the beloved from the Sacred Haram (Makkah) to Masjid al-Aqsa.” [Tafsīr Rūh al-Bayān]

The Spider would say, “I spun a web to close the mouth of the cave to protect him and his companion (Abū Bakr al-Siqqīq RadiAllāhu ‘Anhu) from the enemies.”

The small stones
would respond, “We were honoured to be thrown by his blessed hands. He blinded the enemies in the midst of a battle (Hunayn).” [Mishkāt al-Maşābīh]

The Trees would speak out, “We were honoured of serving the Beloved of Allah by shading him when he blessed us with his presence. We would uproot ourselves and come to him crawling whenever he ordered us to do so.” [Qādī Iyād in his al-Shifā and Surūr al-Mahzūn]

The Lion would speak out, “I helped one of the companions of my Beloved and guided him (Safīnah RadiAllāhu ‘Anhu).” [Qādī Iyād in his al-Shifā]

The Wolf would say, “I spoke out eloquently to inform the shepherd of the arrival of the Prophet who possessed the Knowledge of the past and the future (Yukhbirukum Bimā Madā wa mā huwa kāinun).” [Qādī Iyād in his al-Shifā]

The Goats would say, “We were honoured of prostrating to him and kissing his forehead when he was in the lap of Halīma. Others were blessed by being sacrificed at his hands and others miraculously gave milk to serve him and his companions.” [Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and al-Shifā]

They would all then speak out and would say,

“O Muslims! We served him as much as we could. But what have you done to serve him and honour him though you claim to be his followers? Our Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam is being insulted yet you do nothing? We responded to his every call and yet you are disobeying him. O Muslims! Be sure that salvation is only in his obedience.”

Chand Shaq Ho, Payrr Bolein, Jaanwar Sajda Karein;
BaarakAllah! Marja'-e-Aalam Yahi Sarkaar Hay

[Imam Ahmad Ridā Khan Alayhi al-Rahmah]

The Moon splits, the trees speak and animals Prostrate;
Allah Bless! The center of the universe is indeed this Master

— — —
Penned by
Muhammad Hussain Qadiri
[Bolton - United Kingdom]

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